Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waaay behind - Christmas 2008 photos

Boy, am I behind. I should have posted these a long time ago. My problem is my husband is on our home computer so much of the time so it's hard for me to get on it myself. I don't like using my work know, that would be against company policy so I wait until I get on our home laptop. Maybe I'll have to make a sign-up chart for it so I can get some dedicated time.

This picture was taken on 12/27/08 right after breakfast. You can tell that some of us haven't been up very long. Oh well, that's what the weekends are for...relaxing and kicking back. Look at Roxi's's a pearl necklace/collor. I have a close-up her with it. It's so cute! That dog sure likes to hear herself bark. It's more a 'woof' and just loud enough to be funny. Quite the dog.

Too cute, don't you think?!

I'll try to get better about getting pics out on a more timely basis. It's hard to do when work has been busy. Nothing that the rest of you don't know, right. Take care!

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