Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fish Houses and Winter

Thought I would put some pictures out here on how our winter has been this year. We've probably had about 50 inches of snow which isn't that bad but it's been so stinking cold that it hasn't melted. I keep thinking we still have about 2 - 2.5 months before we'll see the ground and I mean without snow. I'm really hating this northern MN winter life.

Here is a picture of Max when we went outside 1 day. His paws were getting pretty cold - he's lifting the 1 paw as it was freezing up on him.

This is a view from my office window at home. We had 6 fish houses out in the bay this year. The ice is about 20 inches thick. Alot of weekend activity with people driving their cars out there and fishing in the open (no houses). The houses have to be off the lake the last week in February or first part of March.

The last 2 nights we've had -13 temps at night. I made chili this week and instead of putting it in the frig I just put it out on the deck. Frozen solid in the morning.

This Sunday Clayt and I are becoming members of Bethany Lutheran church in Nevis. It is a small church but is a wonderful church. We started going to it last October. The first Sunday there was new members Sunday. I could tell immediately this was the church we were meant to join. I thought we should just cut to the chase and go to the front of the church and join with the others on that day but we went through the usual routine and will join this week.

I joined the Hannah Bible Study circle. They are the 'working women' as the other circles have the retired ladies in their group. It's a very fun group with a wide range in ages. We're reading the book 'Facing your Giants' by Max Lucado. I'm really enjoying it. I highly recommend it.

Please continue to say a prayer for my niece Jaclyn. Chemo and radiation are going well for her. I love her and her family so much. I know Jaclyn's giant is her cancer. There is a saying in the book that I really like...

Focus on giants -- you stumble

Focus on God -- your giants tumble

Take care - talk to you later...

Waaay behind - Christmas 2008 photos

Boy, am I behind. I should have posted these a long time ago. My problem is my husband is on our home computer so much of the time so it's hard for me to get on it myself. I don't like using my work know, that would be against company policy so I wait until I get on our home laptop. Maybe I'll have to make a sign-up chart for it so I can get some dedicated time.

This picture was taken on 12/27/08 right after breakfast. You can tell that some of us haven't been up very long. Oh well, that's what the weekends are for...relaxing and kicking back. Look at Roxi's's a pearl necklace/collor. I have a close-up her with it. It's so cute! That dog sure likes to hear herself bark. It's more a 'woof' and just loud enough to be funny. Quite the dog.

Too cute, don't you think?!

I'll try to get better about getting pics out on a more timely basis. It's hard to do when work has been busy. Nothing that the rest of you don't know, right. Take care!